Thursday, 20 June 2013

Down a Pint, Now What?

On the wholesome topic of blood and blood donation, I realized that I had failed to mention a crucial part of the process – what do you do after you give? The Red Cross and Canadian Blood Services have outlined a few precautions to take post-donation, as you may be feeling a little light-headed and out of sorts. For example, you should be sure to stay well-hydrated, and drink an extra 4 glasses of non-alcoholic beverages. It is important to keep your bandages on for at least 5 hours, and to not do any exercise or heavy lifting for the rest of the day. And of course, if you notice any complications or feel ill for more than 24 hours you should contact your doctor and the blood centre.
And while these are all crucial and important steps to take, the recovery time – in my opinion – can be a little dull; a combination of a light head and a ban on physical activity leaves you with surprisingly little to do. This, of course, isn’t the end of the world – a few lazy hours on the couch never hurt anyone. But along my journey in blood donation, my sister and I (she's my blood-donating buddy) have found a few activities that have proven to be a tad more enjoyable. So here are our best ideas, the top 3 things to do after saving 3 lives.

3. Hit the nearest seafood bar! Every time you donate blood the iron levels in your body decrease, which could lead to anemia or even organ failure. So to prevent this it is important for donors to either take an iron supplement pill, or more enjoyably, eat plenty of foods rich in iron. And what better way to do that than to fill up on oysters, mollusks and shrimp? With a whopping 295% of your daily value of iron in 20 clams (190g), this is the easiest way to attain your iron needs. If you aren’t a seafood fan, liver, spinach, lamb, peanuts, and even dark chocolate are also good choices.

2. Take an afternoon drive – Shotgun! When we drive, we often become so focused on the road that a lot of the beautiful scenery goes unnoticed. So is there anything better than spending the remainder of your day cruising around town, in the passengers’ seat? Operating heavy machinery (aka your car) is a big no-no in the hours after you donate, so you finally have an excuse to relax and just take in the sights. Grab a friend, hit the road, and be sure to make a stop for a Pepsi or smoothie along the way – remember, you gotta stay hydrated!

1. Go grocery shopping! Perhaps this is not the most exciting activity – on an average day. But on blood donating day, anything out on the town is an adventure. You know those little stickers they give you after donating, the ones that say Be nice to me I donated blood today? You wear your sticker proudly, flaunt that blood donation sticker! Enjoy the attention, and also use the opportunity to tell people about your awesome experience donating. You might even inspire someone to go out and get their own snazzy donor sticker.

Dracula’s not the only one who wants it…

Blood. It’s something we all have, and is quite literally “in you to give”. And with an average of one person per minute requiring blood or blood products EVERY DAY (just in Canada), the need for donors is higher than ever. Blood donation can be a very rewarding and heart-warming experience, and will truly make an impact in someone else’s life. So with my next appointment approaching I decided to read up on the benefits of blood donation, and came across some interesting material. So here you go, 10 facts you did not know about blood and blood donation.

    1.       In 1901 Dr. Karl Landsteiner identified 4 types of human blood – A,B,AB and O. Each type can either be RH positive (RH+) or RH negative (RH-), and 85% of Americans and Canadians have RH+ blood. Of these blood types, O+ is the most common and AB- is the least.
    2.       The average adult has approximately 6-8 litres of blood in their body, and blood makes up about 7% of your total body weight.
    3.       Why is human blood red? It contains iron. Crabs have blue blood because instead of iron theirs contains copper. And leeches, with blood rich in chlorocruorin, have green blood.
    4.       People (like me, yay!) with O- blood are universal blood donators; their blood can be given to people with any other blood type. And on the flip side, people with AB+ blood are universal recipients, who can receive any other type of blood.
    5.       1 in 4 people will require a blood transfusion at least once in their lifetime.
    6.       Around 10.8 million people around the world donate blood each year, 29% of those being first time donors.
    7.       According to studies, the average blood donor is a Caucasian, college-educated man between the age of 30 and 50, who is married and has an above-average income.
    8.       Donated blood is used to treat many illnesses or injuries, including cancer, transplants, car accident victims, joint surgery…the uses are endless.
    9.       The shelf life for red blood cells is 42 days, and for platelets is just 5 days, making the demand for blood a constant one.

    10.   One blood donation, which takes just one hour of your time, can improve or save 3 lives. And each donor is eligible to donate 6 times a year, making it possible for you to have an impact on 18 people annually.